Police in Namataba in Mukono district led by Komakech have been dealing with residents who have been protesting against the potholes in the middle of the road at Kayanja village.
Here it has found it very difficult to remove the matooke planted in the middle of the road as well as stones while scattering up.
Residents said the potholes have killed more than 15 people including local residents and travelers.
They said they had informed the concerned authorities about the issues but no one had responded and now they want UNRA to intervene.
The situation has caused traffic congestion and it has taken some time for police to do their job. Charles Kateregga, the village chairman, said he was tired of people crowding in every morning and evening because of the potholes.
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He asked the concerned authorities to intervene. Mukono District Councilor Musoke Gganzi Steven said he has written to the Minister of Transport Gen. Katumba on the matter but there was no response.
Afande Komakech spoke to the residents to calm the situation and condemned the act and asked them to remain calm.
Mayor Douglas Namujjaali said he has been aware of the issue and they are in the process of addressing it.
Spokesperson for the Uganda National Roads Authority Allan Ssempeebwa said they have been tasked with filling the potholes.